
Alexis Lete felt 'shattered' and 'betrayed' by Phillip's game-changing “Deal or No Deal Island” decision

Warning: This article contains spoilers about the season 2 finale of Deal or No Deal Island.

In the end, it all came down to a single case. If Phillip Solomon gave David Genet the lowest value briefcase during the final excursion, then his number one ally Alexis Lete would be moving on to the final Banker’s Temple to play for more than $12 million dollars. But he didn’t. Instead, Phillip pointed David towards the highest value case, the same thing he did for Lete. And because of that, Lete was eliminated one step away from reality competition TV (not to mention financial) glory.

We spoke to Lete in Panama the morning after her brutal excursion defeat, and the fierce competitor was still hurt and confused by Phillip and others allowing a previous Australian Survivor champion get to the end, where he ended up winning a staggering $5.8 million .

“Lete is currently the angriest,” Phillip told Entertainment Weekly the morning after the excursion. “But I hope that in time she will get to watch it back and see that I made it really hard for him and I kind of left it up to ‘If you trust me here, this is it. If you don’t, there are other options here.’”

Lete was, indeed, the angriest. Here’s our chat the morning after her elimination, just a few hours before heading to the final Banker’s Temple. (Also make sure to check out everything that did not make it to air, as well as our interview with winner David Genat.)

Alexis Lete, Joe Manganiello on ‘Deal or No Deal Island’.

Monty Brinton/NBC

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: What was the hardest aspect of being here?

ALEXIS LETE: The hardest part for me in the game was being around people that were constantly lying and manipulating. I played a very honest game. I told people what I was going to do during the excursions, and I stuck to my word every time I told people I was going to do something. And the majority of people did not play that way. So it was hard for me to navigate all the lies until it started getting down to about the final six or seven. I realized every time I was being lied to and I realized every time prior to that when I was being lied to. And I think also, for me, it was hard to find an alliance of people that were like-minded like me, and willing to take risks to reap rewards. I think my biggest downfall in this game was having an alliance of people who were scared to play aggressive.

Did you have any idea who Parvati was when she showed up?

No clue. I knew that she wasn’t an honest player. I could tell something was off, I didn’t know what it was. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I knew whatever that girl is serving, I don’t want anything to do with it.

Alexis Lete, Parvati Shallow on ‘Deal or No Deal Island’.

Monty Brinton/NBC

Speaking of people serving things up, Dr. Will Kirby likes to serve things up. Tell me your reaction when you saw this guy show up.

Yeah, I had no idea who Dr. Will was, but he came in very pale. He was profusely sweating. He’s also incredibly arrogant. But he ended up staying in my yurt and the minute he stayed in my yurt and the first night he spent with us, I was like, “I really like this guy.” I think he’s playing this character where he wants to be the villain here, but in real life I think he has a great heart and is someone who I would want to connect with outside of the game. And I trusted him in the game, and he followed through on every word he told me. I’m really glad Dr. Will came on the show.

You had no idea about David’s past on reality TV, so what was it like getting that information?

Once I realized that people conspired to either help me win or help David win, and these people already knew David’s history and they still allowed him to win, I was very disappointed in my fellow players. I felt betrayed by them and I was upset with what they ended up choosing to do, considering they told me that the last people they want to win this is Dr. Will or Parvati because they’ve already won a show. And once they found out that David has won a show, they continued to allow him to win this show.

There’s no difference between him and Dr. Will or Parvati, which is why their actions were very disappointing to me. Because they had my fate in their hand, and I think they wanted to be nice people rather than good game players. I think that’s where their fault was. And I think that’s why David and Parvati had such an easy time manipulating everyone. I mean, Parvati was safe all the way up until the last Temple, and David really went on compulsively lying the entire game.

I caught it pretty early on and I was questioning him. Because I knew he was lying to me and I even asked if he was on Australian Survivor. Because he knew someone that I used to wrestle with that was on Australian Survivor and he’s like, “I didn’t even know there’s an Australian Survivor. What do you mean?” And so considering other people knew that he’d said that and played that game and continued to allow him to have the larger cases, I have a lot of questions for these people on their morals and values in real life, not just the game.

David Genat, Alexis Lete, Courtney “CK” Kim on ‘Deal or No Deal Island’.

Monty Brinton/NBC

Do you think they were just starstruck? I’ve seen that happen before.

I don’t think that’s necessarily it. I knew CK was not going to be in it. She had done so many people dirty. David has also done people dirty. The issue is there were two sides of this game. There was the dark and the light side. The light side was full of nice people wanting to play the game a little bit too similar to real life and have morals and values and not go through lies. And then there was the dark side, where people would lie and manipulate and even cheat. And the issue is the light side chose to support the dark side even though they wanted the light side to win. And it came down to, sometimes aligning with good people doesn’t make for good gameplay.

What’s it going to be like for you tonight, having to sit in that Temple and watch David playing for all that money?

At first, I was excited for David. And after hearing that he’d already won Survivor and knowing that there were more lies told and knowing that people continued to support David even though they found out this big news, I am going to sit there bitter. I’m not happy for David anymore.

Are you going to say anything?

I will definitely say something. I’m not one to just sit and let s— fly. I will say something. I don’t know what I’ll say. I’ll say it in a classy way. I never want to cut into someone too deep, but I do want to make my thoughts known for sure.

Alexis Lete on ‘Deal or No Deal Island’.

Monty Brinton/NBC

You’ve been out of the game less than 24 hours, so it’s still fresh.

Very fresh. I think I’m most disappointed in Phillip though, because Phillip was in my alliance since day two, and he went to the end with me, and he didn’t sacrifice much. We kind of just rode together and hoped for the best. He never faced the Banker. He took his $75,000 and left. And at the end, he gave me the highest case, and he also gave David the highest case — which, ultimately, if he would’ve given David the lowest case, I would have won.

And I told him as I was going through the excursion — I had the luck of going first, which I thought was really going to be in my benefit — I looked at Phillip and I said, “You have the power to have me win this game. Please help me out.” He said, “Girl, don’t even worry, I got you.” And since he was in my alliance since day one, I was like, “Oh my gosh, thank goodness. I’m going to win this!”

And he told me that he gave David the highest case possible he had, and my heart was shattered in that moment. I felt betrayed. I was disappointed. It sucks, because this is someone who I was really looking forward to being friends with outside of the game. But right now I need time, because I can’t be friends with someone who just gave millions of dollars to someone who’s already won. And that’s someone who knows my financial situation and still chose to give it to someone else over me.

This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

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