Cate Blanchett‘s first child, Dashiell, was a toddler when The Lord of the Rings films began releasing — who better to critique the work of the franchise’s merchandise?
“When I played Queen of the Elves, they gave the toy manufacturing thing to some company. And a lot of the hobbits were very upset because they didn’t feel that those toys were going to be made properly,” the Oscar-winning actress explained on Wednesday’s episode of Las Culturistas. “I gave the elf toy of me, of Galadriel, to my son. And he was really upset because he said, ‘Elves don’t wear underwear?’ They hadn’t bothered to put underwear on the elf toy!”
Hosts Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang shared in the Lord of the Rings star’s shock. “Elves do wear underwear!” Rogers exclaimed. Yang got caught up on one particular detail. “But they did for the hobbits, you said?” the Saturday Night Live star asked. “No, no,” Blanchett responded, “but the hobbits were upset because they didn’t feel the toys were going to be made properly. And they weren’t! Because I wore underwear as an elf. I think elves do wear underwear.”
Blanchett continued to elicit laughter from the comedians, but still unsatisfied, Yang persisted, “When you say the hobbits were upset, do you mean the actors who play the hobbits? Are you talking about the fans?” Finally catching his drift, Blanchett clarified, “Oh, I meant the actor hobbits.”
Taylor Hill/FilmMagic
The main quartet of hobbits from Peter Jackson‘s Lord of the Rings trilogy adaptations were portrayed by Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, Billy Boyd, and Dominic Monaghan. But the expansive universe these characters inhabit led to encounters with plenty of additional hobbit characters, played by the likes of Andy Serkis, Ian Holm, and Sarah McLeod.
While Jackson’s films don’t exactly present too many situations in which the characters would be undressing to their skivvies, Blanchett, having embodied Galadriel across all three films, can provide first-hand testimony that underwear was worn.
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Blanchett joked that she “clearly” hadn’t been asked to consult on the Galadriel toy in question, “because if they had asked me, I would have said they had knitted underwear.” She then added that in Middle-earth, “You don’t need to wash your underwear, but you need to wear it.”
The three Lord of the Rings films are among the most popular and successful of any of the actress’ films, but in an interview with Andy Cohen on Watch What Happens Live last year, Blanchett revealed she got paid a fraction of a fraction of the franchise’s near-$3 billion gross.
When Cohen asked if Blanchett Rings was the biggest paycheck she ever got, Blanchett laughed, spitting back, “Are you kidding me? No, no one got paid anything to do that movie.”
You can listen to the rest of Blanchett’s Las Culturistas interview below.
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